A TechPro Power Group company, Potomac Testing, established in 1985, has earned its position as an industry leader in comprehensive low, medium, and high voltage electrical equipment services: from NETA acceptance and maintenance testing, planned and emergency field services, power quality and engineering studies, to retrofitting and refurbishment of electrical equipment.

To learn more about Potomac Testing, call 1-800-331-2002 or go to PotomacTesting.com.

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Member Type

Dealer Member

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Potomac Testing Corporate Headquarters
1610 Professional Blvd, Suite A
Crofton, MD 21114
Phone: 301-352-1930
Toll-Free: 1-800-331-2002

1610 Professional Boulevard, Suite A,
Crofton, Maryland 21114

1130 McArthur Road,
Jeffersonville, Ohio 43128
Phone: 740-426-9104
