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All certification exams are designed to test knowledge and skills required to perform essential duties with minimal acceptable competence. All research was conducted under the guidance of the Employee Development Committee and PEARL staff. All test questions are designed to measure at least one area of knowledge or skill that is required to perform an essential task.

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All PEARL exams are given in a test format utilizing a variety of exam question types. The following are question formats used in the exam: multiple choice, multiple response, pull-down list, fill in the blank, matching, hotspot, drag and drop, and ranking formats. Questions may have one, two or three correct answers. The exam does not utilize essay, true/false, or yes/no questions. These objective formats allow for a greater coverage in content for a given amount of testing time and improve competency, measurement, and reliability. The Level 1 exam is an online, non-proctored exam that is certified by the technician’s supervisor. The Level 2 & 3 exams will be proctored exams in designated locations.

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Exam Content Areas (ECAs) contain a knowledge or skill that is required to perform the essential duties for that specific level. These duties are outlined in the Technician Certification Handbook for each level. All of the ECAs contain important knowledge and skills required when performing the essential duties of an electrical equipment reconditioning technician. However, the test designers felt that some content areas were of higher importance, thus, not all of the content areas are equally weighted on the exam.


Eligibility Criteria for Taking the Level 1 Test

Level 1 PEARL Certification is designed to demonstrate competency at the entry and basic working level. More specifically, Level I certification implies competence in the knowledge and skills required to perform the essential duties of an entry-level PEARL-certified technician. A Level 1 technician should, under the supervision of a higher-level technician, be able to work safely on electrical power equipment and be able to identify and use various shop equipment, warehouse equipment, power equipment, and cleaning equipment used in the electrical equipment reconditioning process.

Although work experience for Level 1 is only required if a candidate does not have a high school diploma or GED, it is recommended that Level 1 candidates have a minimum of one year of relevant industry experience working for a company that performs electrical equipment reconditioning as well as performing the essential duties listed below. Many candidates without the recommended experience have difficulty successfully completing the test.

Eligibility Criteria for Taking the Level II Exam

The PEARL Level 2 Certification is designed to measure competency at a Skilled or Journey level for more complex reconditioning tasks. Level 2 technicians are expected to be able to work independently on either low-voltage electrical equipment performing comprehensive duties. Certificate candidates should be familiar with the basic mechanical and electrical principles and duties listed in the Level 2 PEARL Technician section of this handbook.

Work Experience

The work experience and education and training requirements of the PEARL Technician Certification Program are as outlined below:

Education and Training

  • Level I:   High School/GED
  • Level II: Safety: 20 hours – Electrical: 40 hours

Related Work Experience

Completion of two or more years of technical education in an electrical field shall be equivalent to a maximum of one year of work experience.

  • Level I:   None (unless unable to meet the Education Requirement)
  • Level II: Two Years